We'll be leaving for our trip on Friday, July 20. Our plan is to follow Route 66 from the Santa Monica Pier all the way to Amarillo, Texas, which is just past the halfway point. Barry will be going with us on that leg of the trip, but then he has to leave us to fly back home. Hey, someone has to work to pay for all that gas!
Then Lulu and I will leave Route 66 and head north, going through Colorado and Wyoming to get to Spokane, Washington, where we'll visit my Mom and Dad for a few days.
Then if all goes as planned, my Mom will join us for the drive back down the coast to L.A.
We'll try to post an update daily, starting on the 21st. Lulu is looking forward to helping with this. Her idea of helping is to pose for the pictures :)
Hi LuLu, I can't wait to see you!
Love, Aunt Kat
I was going to ask if you were going to visit your sister, but she beat me to the first comment!
And HOW will your mom get home? Will she become an Angelino?
AND is Barry really just sneaking away to go to Browns' training camp?
:) John
Hi all of you,
Love the pictures, Lulu you look great!! Mom and Dad when are you going to be in the pictures? We need to see all of you having a great time!!!!! ;) I know, I know blame the heat :0
Lulu, you will do a great job in the next "CARS" movie!!!!! Hope you guys are having a great time.
Love the updates, you guys are so good!!!!!
We miss all of you...
Tracy & Haley
Amarillo is in Texas?!
I didn't know that!
Does everyone know that?!
But I HAVE heard of Route 66. That's where you get kicks, right? Is that why it took 10 hours to drive 300 miles? All those kicks littering the route? If you had to weave around them, that would make it nearer 600 miles. And if you accidentally ran over a couple and punctured a tyre, that would add a bit to the journey.
It would have been quicker on Route 65, you know.
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